Shifting Perspective

"Owning our story and loving ourselves through the process is the bravest thing we'll ever do."
- Brene Brown

Does it spark joy?

Yes, I have gotten on the "life-changing magic of tidying up" bandwagon. It feels good. Typically, I subconsciously (mostly consciously) go against the grain, unless it is logical, reasonable and/or sits well with me. The Konmari method clicked.

I have gone through the first three categories since the beginning of June. I feel freer, not bogged down by stuff. And there have been other changes and purges. One being social media venues - the Facebook distraction is now gone. Perhaps, I should have waited until the very end of process. Yet, it just felt right because it was no longer sparking joy.

Invoking Artemis

Leading up to summer solstice, I have been feeling a push in my gut to focus on higher Self, creativity, and power. It is no wonder, as the full moon will be in Sagittarius during the solstice. I know that this summer is meant to be a powerful one, where I will step further into being a catalyst for positive change. 

In order to proceed, I must invoke Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. I feel that the archetypes are all within us and step forward at different times, seasons and even days during our life. We can call upon them as needed. The typical maiden, mother and crone archetypes are prominent for women, especially looking at our life cycle. I have sensed more of Gaia being instilled in me since becoming a mother, but Artemis has been with me for my whole life.

Learning to See the Forest

Photo courtesy of Megan McLaughlin

Forest (n): 1) a dense growth of trees and underbrush covering a large tract- Merriam-Webster

If you ask anyone what a forest is, you’ll probably get an answer similar to this. And it makes sense: a forest needs to have trees to be a forest. But how much does that leave out, seeing a forest as just trees and brush?